Terms of use

Version of 01.10.2023

1 General

The Sonoa app is marketed and operated by Pathmate Technologies AG, Josefstr. 219, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland and Pathmate Technologies GmbH, Julius-Hatry-Str. 1, 68163 Mannheim, Germany (hereinafter: Pathmate/we).

Pathmate attaches great importance to protecting personal user data. The company therefore conducts its business in compliance with the applicable laws on data privacy and data security. These terms of use inform users of the scope of application, liability and responsibilities.​

Before using the Sonoa app and its content, users must expressly consent to the terms of use and the privacy policy when they sign up. They must also confirm that they have read the instructions provided before using the app. In addition to these documents, there are also general terms and conditions (GTC), which apply to users who purchase paid access for a certain period of use for our app. You can find these at https://sonoa.app and in the Sonoa app.

The app is based on the “Pathmate Coach”, which is registered as a class 1 medical device.

The Pathmate Coach is a smartphone application (app) that supports people with the prevention and management of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep problems in everyday life and motivates them to reduce influenceable risk factors. The app supports the correct documentation of relevant data (e.g. blood pressure, blood sugar, sleep), calculates average values and provides feedback and recommendations for action based on the current state of scientific knowledge and medical guidelines. The app also uses risk calculators and self-tests to inform users about their personal risk profile and to motivate them to take appropriate action. Users are shown how to make lifestyle changes in the areas of nutrition, exercise and relaxation and are guided through the process.

However, the services provided by Pathmate do not constitute medical advice. They are not intended as a substitute for an examination or treatment by a doctor or therapist.

Pathmate is entitled at any time to change the functionality and design of the Sonoa app.

If individual provisions of these terms are or become invalid, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected.

2 Provision of the app and registration

In order to use Sonoa, you need a participant code. You can obtain a participant code from one of our partner insurers or companies, or if your primary care physician is participating in our study. The current list of partners and contact information can be found at: https://sonoa.app/partner. Alternatively, in case automated billing between us and the health insurance company is not possible, we offer the option of paid access for use of the app over a specified period of use. You can obtain the necessary information from your insurance company or at https://sonoa.app/partner. We will provide you with the necessary general terms and conditions (GTC) for consent at the time of purchase.

These terms of use apply to all users of our app, regardless of whether or not they have purchased paid access.

Use requires the download and successful installation of the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To download the Sonoa app, users must agree to the terms of the relevant store. To register, you need an email address and agree to receive emails from us related to the service. Users must ensure that emails can be received at the email address provided and that unauthorized persons do not have access.

All natural persons over the age of 18 are entitled to use the Sonoa app. The instructions list further criteria for using the app that must be observed.

A 100% availability of the app cannot be realized technically. In particular, due to maintenance tasks as well as events that are not within the control of Pathmate, short-term disruptions or temporary unusability of the app may occur.

Users can report errors and defects of Sonoa to sonoa@pathmate.app.

3 Rights of use to information, software and documentation

Use of information, software and documentation made available in the app is subject to these terms. Separately agreed license terms, e.g. for software downloads, take precedence over these terms of use.

Pathmate grants the user non-exclusive and non-transferable rights to use the information, software and documentation made available in the Sonoa app to the extent agreed or, in the event of no such agreement, in a manner consistent with the purpose intended by Pathmate in the act of providing and making this information, software and documentation available.

Users may not at any time sell, lease or otherwise make available to third parties the information, software or documentation. The information, software and documentation are protected both by copyright laws and other laws and agreements pertaining to intellectual property. Users are obliged to observe these rights.

The company assumes no liability for archived health data.

4 Intellectual property

Information, brand names, design and other content of the Sonoa app may not be modified, copied, duplicated, sold, leased, traded, used, supplemented or otherwise exploited without the prior written consent of Pathmate.

Apart from the usage rights or other rights granted expressly to the user in these terms of use, no further rights of any kind, particularly rights to the company name and industrial property rights such as patents, registered designs or trademarks, are granted to the user, nor is Pathmate obliged to grant any such rights.

If the user posts ideas and suggestions on the app, Pathmate is entitled to use these free of charge for the purpose of developing, improving and selling products in its portfolio.

5 User obligations

The user must read the instructions provided in the Sonoa app.

When using the Sonoa app, users must not

  • contravene the rules of good conduct;
  • infringe industrial property rights, copyrights or other property rights;
  • transmit content containing viruses, Trojans or other programs that can damage the software;
  • use the Sonoa app for commercial purposes;
  • manipulate functions and content of the Sonoa App and any data entered.

Pathmate is entitled to block access to the Sonoa app at any time, particularly if the user has violated their obligations under these terms of use.

If a user breaches these terms, Pathmate reserves the right to claim for compensation for any damage incurred by it and to initiate legal action.

Pathmate recommends that app users implement the necessary security measures (e.g. password protection, up-to-date virus protection) on their mobile devices. Users shall bear the risks resulting from manipulation of their mobile terminal device due to misuse of their mobile terminal device or in the context of data transmission.

6 Hyperlinks

The Sonoa app may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Pathmate assumes no liability for the content of these websites, nor is it responsible for the content and information made available there. Use of such websites is at the user’s own risk.

7 Use of the Sonoa app

The Sonoa app contains various content relating to health, exercise and similar topics for information purposes. It does not replace personal consultations, support or treatment by experts. The Sonoa app does not indicate to the user when a visit to the doctor would be necessary.

If you suffer from a medical or heart condition, please consult a doctor before using the Sonoa app, taking part in a training programme or changing your diet. In case of a medical emergency, please contact a doctor or medical professional. For specific questions on treatment and care or in case of ill health, please contact your doctor or a medical expert.

Use of the Sonoa app and compliance with the recommendations for action without consulting a healthcare professional is at the user’s own responsibility and exclusively at their own risk. An option to delete the user account is available in the app. For more information, please visit https://support.pathmate.app/help.

If a user account is not used for a longer period of time, Pathmate reserves the right to delete the account. Users will be informed about this in time via the registered email address.

Users can report errors and defects in the Sonoa app to sonoa@pathmate.app.

8 Disclaimer

The information provided by the Sonoa app is carefully checked and provided in accordance with the current state of knowledge. Use of the Sonoa app and compliance with the recommendations for action without consulting a healthcare professional is at the user’s own responsibility and exclusively at their own risk. For specific questions on treatment and care or in case of ill health, please contact your doctor or a medical expert.

To the extent permitted by law, Pathmate assumes no liability for material defects and defects of title. Furthermore, any liability of Pathmate, particularly for consequential damage, is excluded, unless liability is compulsory by reason of deliberate intent, gross negligence, injury to life, body or health, the assumption of a guarantee of quality, fraudulent concealment of a defect, or violation of material contractual obligations. However, damages for the violation of material contractual obligations are limited to typical, foreseeable contractual damages, except in cases of deliberate intent or gross negligence.

9 Final provisions

Pathmate may amend these terms of use at any time without stating reasons, unless this is unreasonable for users. Users may submit all declarations to Pathmate by email or letter. Pathmate may transmit declarations to users to the e-mail address provided in their user account.

All questions and disputes in connection with the Sonoa app are subject exclusively to Swiss law with the express exclusion of any conflict-of-law provisions. Mandatory provisions concerning conflict-of-law rules remain unaffected. Sole jurisdiction is Zurich; compulsory places of jurisdiction remain reserved.

The current version of the terms of use can be found on the support page: https://sonoa.app and in the Sonoa app.

10 Contact

Pathmate Technologies AG
Josefstr. 219
8005 Zurich
E-Mail: sonoa@pathmate.app

Pathmate Technologies GmbH
Julius-Hatry-Str. 1
68163 Mannheim
E-Mail: sonoa@pathmate.app

The app is based on the “Pathmate Coach”, which is registered as a class 1 medical device.